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COVID-19 Is Changing the Way we Live

The COVID-19 global pandemic is drastically changing our lifestyle.  Here in Virginia, we are under strict orders to stay inside and to not gather in groups of 10 people or more.  It’s this way for pretty much the whole country as social distancing has become the new norm.  Needless to say, this pandemic is constantly adjusting our daily lives.  The world as we know it looks nothing like it did simply 6 weeks ago.

Today, there is so much uncertainty and a lot of fear about the unknown.  Some have fear of losing their life.  Others have fears of losing work or their job.  These worries are all valid.  Instead of only looking at the negatives though, let us explore some positives of how we are staying somewhat normal in this unique time. 

A big way that COVID-19 is changing our lives is in our workplace.  Since we’re not allowed to work or gather in large groups, many people are making necessary adjustments to help flatten the curve.  With so much uncertainty surrounding how life looks under a pandemic – what is certain is that we are living in a digital age and relying on it more than ever.  Further, because we are looking online for so much during this time, that doesn’t mean we should change our online presence – if anything it should be increased.

Many of us are being advised or required to work from home.  This is a huge shock to our everyday lives. Simple daily habits that used to be face to face are now all digital.  The good news it that many of us are making it work. 

While everyone is cooped up under this quarantine, we’re realizing how digital of an age that we’re actually living in.  Those meetings that you always complained that could’ve been emails are now, in fact, emails.  Other meetings are done with tools such as FaceTime, Zoom, and Skype.

While we’ve had pandemics in the past those pandemics have never been quite like this one.  This whole situation is new for everyone.  No one really knows the right way to do things, but we’re slowly figuring it out.  We are learning the best ways to adjust so that our day-to-day lives can look somewhat normal.  This extends beyond our daily tasks.  

Most organizations, businesses, and brands are finding out that it’s still possible to function well during global pandemics and in such uncertain times.  Schools all over the country, (like this one in Kansas City), are sharing school work and lessons digitally so students can keep learning – many classes at universities are still being held online.  There are businesses all over the country creating content online to let their customers know that they’re still there and able to help in whatever way possible. 

I’ve seen advertisements from companies like Burger King and T-Mobile outlying ways they’re trying to help their customers.  Doctors and hospitals across the country are sharing videos discussing what they know about the Corona Virus. There are mortgage companies and banks that are sharing a message of hope to help customers know that they’re there to help.  Churches and places of worship that used to gather every weekend are now live-streaming their services and messages every weekend.  Music teachers are using FaceTime and Facebook Messenger to still continue teaching their students.

Everyone has a hope that our lives will soon get back to a form of normal.  Now is that time when you can reach out in one or another to offer assitance.  When your audience or customers know that you’re in the same boat as them and that you’re there for them, that connection between business and consumer becomes much more real.

Everyone now a need and companies, brands, and institutions are stepping up and offering a solution the best they can.  Although we aren’t coming together in person anymore, we are still able to come together digitally.  With the help of digital tools like blog posts, video content, and live video streams, we are able to hang on to a sense of normalcy.  We can offer a glimmer of hope by simply saying “we understand and we’d like to help.”

Just because we can’t go on with our daily lives as we’d like to right now doesn’t mean that we have to be silent.  Connect with your audience and customers by share what you know and offering what you’re doing to help.  It’s important that companies and organizations are take measures online to continue make their presence and message known.  As our lifestyle changes, so will the brands that we use and connect with, so be a brand that connects with their audience in whatever way possible.

If you’re a brand, business, or organization that is offering help during this time make it known to your audience.  If there’s something you can do to offer help, let them know how you are doing so.  It doesn’t need to be much – even something simple like a restaurant offering free delivery goes far.  

As people continue to live their day to day lives and adjusting they want to know that you’re adjusting too to be there for them.  Everyone is a consumer in one way or another. There’s still a way to connect it will just take some adjusting to do so.